Friday, May 18, 2012

Creatives In Newcastle Plan For Business

Props to Newcastle Council for hosting a workshop yesterday on Running Your Own Creative Business  with Monica Davidson for AFTRS (Australian Film Television And Radio School). Well done.

The event was well attended and went for the full day and covered much good information that anyone considering running their own business would benefit from knowing but with a special focus on those in creative industries.

Back To Earth

At different times we have had topics at our Lunaticks events with many of our excellent young (and not so young) in attendance and there is often a tendency to speak in ways that demonstrates some believe that this creative issue puts people separate from other businesses.

 In reality, every creative business needs the practical business savvy too and every conventional business can use some creativity in how they operate their business and especially .. and especially now... how they choose to promote the business and show off the great products and services they have to offer.

Now just imagine our businesses were all optimized to show their best face to the world - and deliver to an excellent standard. Then we'd really have something.

Lindy Asimus 
0403 365 855

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