Thursday, November 18, 2010

Santa Spotting

Have you seen Santa yet? I spied this waiting at the lights at New Lambton yesterday.

Have you seen Santa in some odd place around Newcastle? Send me your photo and I'll add it it here.

Lindy Asimus
Business Coach
Mobile: 0403 365855
If you'd like to know more about me, visit
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Actionbites Blog Would You Rather A Fixed Price Or Pay By The Hour?

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Social Media Training Newcastle NSW

Just added to this blog you'll find a link to some videos on Social Media basics to give you some background if the whole social media rush has gone past without understanding much about it. It can be confusing! It is something of a moveable feast and what was true last month - may not be true tomorrow. So it is imperative to be on top of the changes as they happen and understand that this is a dynamic field that can't be just 'set and forget'.

I've met a lot of people lately who are just lost when it comes to getting their business online and developing a strategy to follow using online tools. On the other hand I'm seeing a lot of people spruiking social media products - from people who have no online footprint to speak of at all, have been online in a very limited capacity and think that social media is about broadcasting advertisements. It isn't. And it isn't something separate to your business. Your social media engagement should be a part of your overall business strategy and should be clearly understood and planned to get you the best outcomes possible, and improve your relationships - not damage them.

So I thought I'd run some training sessions for those who are looking for some help and want to learn to find their way around the online tools and resources available, and choose some low cost means of getting their business name out there and into Google.

Places are limited, and will be held over Skype or Phone, and email. Cost is $100 for the class, payable in advance via Paypal and will be held at a time that suits your schedule and mine.

Find out:

How to get started online.
Tools to use.
How to develop a strategy to follow
Maximise your efforts without spending too much time.
Learn what kinds of things to post online to your target audience.
Learn what not to do online!
Discover how to monitor and manage your reputation online
Overview of Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Blogging for business.
Social Media marketing tips
What to put in your online profile.

Email me to arrange a time and do mention this blog when making your booking to secure this special rate.

Book Now!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Society 2.0 - New Lunaticks Event

Well a great evening at The Delaney on Tuesday night with the latest event for the New Lunaticks, this time fronted by Roger Pryor.

Here's what it was about...

Society 2.0 - What can we learn about ourselves off the internet?

With the pace of change (especially around the internet & technology) changing rapidly what does that mean for us as people? What does it mean in our everyday social lives? What does it mean in our workforce? What does it mean for employers? For Employees?

With 2 great events under The Lunaticks Society's belt we have decided to bring you an interactive event to discuss how the internet has impacted on our everyday lives & what the future may look like for Society 3.0.

Are we ready?

What are the risks?

What are the benefits?

What do we need to fear?

What can we get excited about?

What opportunities do employers have?

What do employees need to think about?

We've dragged together a bunch of experts to share their stories and also answer some of your questions surrounding Privacy, your Identity, Social Interaction, Work/Personal Boundaries of online Communications, Potential Issues for Employers & workplace policies.

And here are some highlights from the evening.

Photo gallery from the event

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Small Business Month | Coaching Q&A

Small Business Month is September and to celebrate, Port Stephens Council is hosting a workshop for business owners to attend and find out all they ever wanted to know about coaching and how their business can use the tools of coaching to reach better results and be more profitable and stress-free.

You can register for the event which is to be held at Raymond Terrace on 23 September at the link below.

Join Lindy Asimus and Robert Watson for an action-packed and entertaining 2 hours!

UPDATE: We'll be having more Q&A sessions for business in November 2010. If you'd like to go on the mailing list for notices, let me know, or if you would like to run a Q&A for your clients, then we'd love to talk to you! You can add real value for your business clients and open opportunities for them to excel.

Lindy Asimus
Business Coach
Mobile: 0403 365855
If you'd like to know more about me, visit
Australia's Marketing Mentor
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Newcastle - Incubator For Innovation?

Some interesting thoughts on what a revitalised Newcastle might look like, from Brendan Brooks' Hyperblog. Head over and add your comments to what reads like a compelling argument. 

I would love to see Newcastle grow beyond the 'dig it up and ship it out' model.

What would you like to see happen in Newcastle to take us into the future?
(Please, no franchise outlets!)

More on Australian Innovation

Friday, September 03, 2010

Feel 'em Up Friday - Cancer Awareness

Much madness on Twitter in Newcastle district this week sees today named as Feel Em Up Friday in honour of raising consciousness about breast cancer (and men's cancer too). See Carol Duncan's ABC  blog for  all the details. You can listen to the podcast, learn about mammograms and other critical information on breast cancer and surviving well.

1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime.

And if you want to support your favourite cancer cause, this could be a good time to review your personal insurance and get a donation made on your behalf too. Read Christie Birch's personal story about her mother's fight with cancer and contact them to ask how you can review your insurance and get a donation sent to your favourite cancer charity.

The message of course, is that early detection is the best weapon against cancer, so make this the week when you remember to take care of yourself.

And of course the collectors are out selling Legacy badges today. Our Newcastlecoffee Twitter group were glad to support the cause this morning at Sprocket Roasters cafe and all left with a new Legacy badge or pen in hand. If you see the collectors do give generously. Legacy is another organisation doing great things in the community to help families.

Oh ... and if you want to join us one Friday morning at our Twitter meeting, come along! You'll be welcome.
Info here

Lindy Asimus
Business Coach & Social Media Development
Design Business Engineering

Online Coaching Available All Locations!
Follow Lindy At These Social Networks
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Social Media Training For Local Business

It was recently my pleasure to run a small workshop for small business as a 'hands-on' introduction to social media, hosted by Wayne Lennan Financial Services in Hunter Street. Commendable and it would be good to see other businesses taking an interest in bringing new ideas to their own network.

As I hold these workshops it becomes apparent that while there is a mile of information available online and free platforms to use, it takes more than that to get an understanding of how social media can work for business, and just How-To get started effectively.

From a business coaching point of view, I see social media as being a game-changer for small business, as it offers them the key to break out of being captive to the business that happens to walk past their door when they are open.  The internet opens the potential to spread word of a business and find new customers well outside the usual suspects.

Exciting times for those businesses with owners willing to embrace new ways of working, and getting serious about presenting a world class face to their customers.

If you'd like to talk about social media for your business, or helping
your business clients understand the new marketing media, contact me
to discuss your ideas.

Lindy Asimus
Business Coach
Mobile: 0403 365855
If you'd like to know more about me, visit
Australia's Marketing Mentor
Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitterFacebook
Actionbites Blog Purpose Then Strategy

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Scenic Newcastle NSW

Some nice shots from the Newcastle area by local photographer Doug Hall.

If you have some photographs from the area you'd like to have added to this blog, give me a call. 


                                 Dudley Beach




Doug Hall     |     0411962288

Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Lunaticks Guide to Social Media for Business - Newcastle NSW

Looking for a new medium to actively engage your consumers with a unique one to one experience?

Lunaticks Society of Newcastle has enticed some of the leading names in Newcastle’s digital and social media world to share their wisdom and reveal their social media secrets for The Lunaticks Guide to Social Media for Business.

Whether you’re in senior management, marketing and advertising, technology, retail, music and arts, finance or you merely want to stay abreast of the latest social media trends and strategies, then this an event you won’t want to miss.


Upstairs in the newly renovated Delany Hotel, 143 Darby Street, Newcastle

Tuesday 6th July between 6.30pm and 8.30pm


Where are the successful business people using Social Media? Why would my business want to use Social Media? Where are the opportunities in Social Media? What Social Media platforms should I use i.e. twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc…? Can I get someone else to do it for me? How do I get people to follow me or my brand? How do I find time to do this thing? What sort of stuff do you post up? How does Social Media fit in with my other marketing activities? What are the risks? Will Social Media affect my future employability? What is the future of Social Media?


6.30pm – 7pm Registration and networking 7pm to 7.05pm Introduction to the Lunaticks Society of Newcastle – Gordon Whitehead (@the_git) 7.05pm to 8pm Social Media and Twitter: what’s it good for?

  1. Moderator - Gordon Whitehead (@the_git)
  2. Panelist –Carol Duncan (@carolduncan) blogger, ABC radio presenter & media consultant
  3. Panelist – Craig Wilson (@mediahunter) blogger, founder of & digital agency Sticky
  4. Panelist - Jayne Kearney (@indydreaming) blogger, writer, editor of Sunny Days magazine
  5. Panelist - Matthew Hatton (@bernietb) blogger and online consumer rights advocate
  6. Panelist – Steph Hinds (@Growthwise) blogger and co-founder of Growthwise

8pm to 8.30pm Panel Q & A


hashtag: #newlunaticks We certainly hope for some LIVE amusing, witty and compelling tweets via ‘backchannel’ tweeting before, during and after the event.


Event tickets are a VERY cost effective i.e. they’re FREE!


We expect people to bring smart phones, digital cameras and video cameras to tweet, take silly or serious photographs, conduct interviews or create micro-movies. Fingers cross there will be wireless internet access and a laptop set up connected to a data projector use to display a LIVE twitterfeed during the event.

Click here to register and print your ticket (no charge)

Lindy Asimus
Business Coach
Mobile: 0403 365855
If you'd like to know more about me, visit

Contact Me LinkedinFacebookBloggerTwitterFacebook

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Revitalisation Masterplan Hunter Street Newcastle

SCAPE strategy have recently completed the Contextual and Strategic Framework reports for the Hunter Street Revitalisation Masterplan (HSRM) in Newcastle, NSW.

Led by the City of Newcastle Council, the aims of the project are to arrest the decline of Hunter Street and to bring about revitalisation by way of 4 sets of principles : street activation via good urban design , a better integrated transport network, a system of green spaces or corridors and connecting cultural aspects with community use and future desires. Read more here

And from the Herald...

"A WEST end city gateway, a civic cultural precinct, a bustling central shopping area and a cosmopolitan east end - this is how the Hunter Street of the future could look.

Civic strategists have developed an ambitious new plan for overhauling the Newcastle thoroughfare, a former jewel in the city's crown that has come to symbolise the central business district's decay and neglect.

Newcastle City Council has employed urban planning consultants Scape Strategy to help develop a vision for Hunter Street.

The Herald can exclusively reveal the first images of how the new and improved three-kilometre strip could look.

Andrew Turnbull and Bob Perry, of Scape Strategy, presented artwork and ideas to councillors on Tuesday night.

Four precincts and four principles would guide the Hunter Street revitalisation masterplan, Mr Turnbull said.

Proposed precincts were west end, civic, central and east end."

Read full article here

What do you think of this idea?