Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Small Business Finds Social Media In Newcastle

Change comes hard to some people and businesses are very often a reflection of their owners. So it is small surprise that changes in the way people approach business can also change slowly.  But even the hardest things can erode over time, and like the great blocks that keep the sea from eroding the breakwater at Nobbys, so too business owners can and do begin to adapt and come to notice the opportunities to engage customers in new and more meaningful ways, using social media as a part of their customer-service and promotional strategies.

One example of social media making it's presence felt is the regular Friday morning #newcastlecoffeemorning UPDATED Feb 2010: Venue for Tweetup at Sprocket Roasters Cafe in the Newcastle CBD that runs from 7.45am - 9am. If you are on Twitter and would like to join us, just come along. If you have a business and would like to know more about Twitter and how social media can be of benefit to your business let me know, and I'll be happy to have a chat about that with you. And do come along. The more the merrier!

Lindy Asimus

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