For all the times that I meet for coffee to network and socialise, it can be hard to pin down a favourite spot.
Our #newcastlecoffee tweetup happens at Sprocket Roasters currently, on the corner of Watt and Hunter streets, and I'd say the coffee is pretty good there. The location is good at that time of the day (7.45am) it is still good for parking, but is dismal later in the day. (What is it with Newcastle parking meters anyway? So not-welcoming for people to come into the city).
I admit I tend to prefer somewhere with a pleasant outlook (as well as good coffee) and of course the quality of the coffee is important. Which rules out the usual-suspect chain shops and in particular a rather inGlorious one which shall remain nameless and thankfully, unimbibed).
For view, I like the Starfish Cafe on Queens Wharf. Coffee is okay and the location good though not very cosy as such.
Out of town, I do enjoy a visit to the cafe at Heritage Gardens (heading toward East Maitland) for a coffee and conversation (and a great gingerbeer spider, if you have a yen).
So what's your favourite spot for coffee in Newcastle area - and what is it that you like about it?
Do share!
I have really enjoyed Three Bean Espresso Bar (cnr Beaumont & Tudor, Hamilton). They use Peaberry coffee and always have smiley, fast service. The menu is simple and seriously good.
I've also tried Rolador (1 Beaumont St, Hamilton). The first time was a miss, the second a time hit. Their breakfast is superb.
III Bean on Beaumont St makes a good long black.
For soy latte in Newcastle, I like Roladoor - other end of Beaumont St, near the station.
Sprocket Newcastle - coffee is good, decor interesting, traffic noise (buses) is disappointing.
2Blend Lambton - coffee is good, has good patronage, but never packed
Jordan's Newcastle - Peaberry coffee is good, light and airy, lots of interesting knicknacks
Martine's New Lambton - acceptable, but they don't know if they are caterers or a cafe
Peaberry's New Lambton - coffee is great but decor is bland
The Source Maryville - good coffee in an out-of-the-way place on bike track along Throsby Creek
Snows The Junction - can't remember what the coffee is like, but I hated the bare concrete floor. Ditto for Lotus at The Junction.
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