Imagine A Life Without Illness Photo Story Exhibition will open on 7 May 2010.
Please send on to your friends and help Eddy raise lots of funds for Hunter Medical Research on Friday May 7th for Mothers with Cancer.
12 April 2010
Imagining a life without illness is the theme of an inspirational new photographic story board exhibition being held in Newcastle from May 7.
Newcastle photographer Eddie Cross, himself no stranger to illness following a life-changing brain injury in 2006, has put together a photo exhibition which tells the story of 10 remarkable Hunter women and their families who have battled cancer.
“After photographing mothers with cancer and sharing tears with them while creating images of love, life and happiness, I felt it was important to help them tell their stories through these photos and stories in order to educate others,” Eddie said.
“When dealing with cancer, it’s not always a happy ending and there are some truly heartbreaking stories. There is a powerful message, however, delivered in all the photographs by those who have experienced a life threatening and life-changing disease.”
All proceeds from this exhibition will be donated to the Hunter Medical Research Institute and Eddie is hoping to raise at least $5,000.
Karen Brown, one of the participants in the exhibition knows all too the importance of cancer research. Karen was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 36 and is now a passionate advocate for research.
“Without research I wouldn’t be here today. For my daughters and for every other mother’s daughters we should all pray for a cure for breast cancer, and do all we can to raise money and awareness.”
The exhibition will also include the auction of a commissioned oil canvas painting donated by Hunter artist Sophie Mill. The work is an artistic interpretation of one of Eddie’s original photographs depicting a young girl and mother walking into darkness surrounding by beautiful colours and light.
Imagine a Life Without Illness will run from May 7 – June 1 2010 at the King and Parry Gallery, Newcastle.
For further information or to view any of the stories
contact Eddie Cross anytime on:
(02) 4929 5555 or 0414 609 088
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