Friday, March 30, 2012

Hunter Businesses Using Social Media

While all the reports of gloom and doom tell us how bad the economy is we do well to remember how much better off we are here in Australia than so many parts of the world.

Focus on what you can do
Where we sometimes fall into the trap of focusing on what we can't do, we can overlook the things that are basic that we can be doing to promote our local businesses and social media is a great example of that.

The key to developing social marketing for any local area is to create a good network online of people who support each other and contribute to each others success. Sounds like the way local businesses have always done and that's the secret. While the technology is different, social media is just like any other way that we communicate, share, listen and tell stories just in a different place.

Social Marketing
Social marketing is much more than setting up a Facebook page but this is often the story that business owners get. This is not something to give your teenager to do, it should be integrated with your traditional marketing and support your other activities, your website and online presence generally, incorporate your PR and open doors to areas that have until now been inaccessible. Your blog is a great example of an easy step that you can take to start generating some interest online in what you have to offer. You need good pictures of your products (you need these anyway!) and posting them online can generate interest from people in your local area who have never heard of your business. Good content and good images are the way to get attention. Knowing where to get these seen is another part of the puzzle.

Part of that is building good links to other businesses that are related to our own and service the same kind of market.  I know that working with local businesses to develop and support their network with reciprocal links to websites and comments on web platforms to promote your business and a link on your site to theirs is to your advantage in helping you get found in Google searches. Google works on the basis of authority sites connecting and is always favouring genuine business sites with connections in related business. Many things that Google does in adjusting the way they conduct search changes but this one element is constant. Good quality information is what they are seeking and reward.

Grow Sales From New Sources
You may be getting traffic that is converting from different sources and not directly from Google right now. That's probably because you have no strategy to develop those other streams of visitors to your business,  Every other door you open for people to find your business has the potential to be the No1 money generator for your business. Make sure you have your hat in the ring,.

Not sure how to start? Contact me on 0403 365 855 and mention this blog for a special offer.