Thursday, June 24, 2010

Revitalisation Masterplan Hunter Street Newcastle

SCAPE strategy have recently completed the Contextual and Strategic Framework reports for the Hunter Street Revitalisation Masterplan (HSRM) in Newcastle, NSW.

Led by the City of Newcastle Council, the aims of the project are to arrest the decline of Hunter Street and to bring about revitalisation by way of 4 sets of principles : street activation via good urban design , a better integrated transport network, a system of green spaces or corridors and connecting cultural aspects with community use and future desires. Read more here

And from the Herald...

"A WEST end city gateway, a civic cultural precinct, a bustling central shopping area and a cosmopolitan east end - this is how the Hunter Street of the future could look.

Civic strategists have developed an ambitious new plan for overhauling the Newcastle thoroughfare, a former jewel in the city's crown that has come to symbolise the central business district's decay and neglect.

Newcastle City Council has employed urban planning consultants Scape Strategy to help develop a vision for Hunter Street.

The Herald can exclusively reveal the first images of how the new and improved three-kilometre strip could look.

Andrew Turnbull and Bob Perry, of Scape Strategy, presented artwork and ideas to councillors on Tuesday night.

Four precincts and four principles would guide the Hunter Street revitalisation masterplan, Mr Turnbull said.

Proposed precincts were west end, civic, central and east end."

Read full article here

What do you think of this idea?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Newcastle - Yesteryear

How things have changed! Easy to lose sight of how much our city and harbour foreshore has changed.

Newcastle railway station showing rail yard 31 dec 1930

newcastle railway station 13 feb 1956

Newcastle Railway Refreshment Room - interior showing staff behind counter

Newcastle railway refreshment room sleeping quarters

View of city council electricity and town hall with civic park in foreground Newcastle

You can find more at or purchase copies of photos you like there.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Surf House Bye-Bye

The end of an era.

This video by George McIntosh captures the feel of the time.

What do you think about the end of the surf house?

What do you think about the installation of parking meters?
The end of an era.