Friday, November 23, 2012
Back When Newcastle Had A Rail Service
The Herald reports today:
"Workers unearthed the old track, which appears to be part of a spurline used in the late 1800s known as the sand sidings, during works on John Parade .
A map of the Burwood Estate Railway circa 1887 shows the sidings splitting from the Beach Railway in the vicinity.
The sidings then appear to stretch from near Merewether Surf Club towards Dixon Park.
Newcastle Herald historian Mike Scanlon said the rails’ location indicated they may have been part of those sidings.
‘‘This old railway line is likely to have been part of a once extensive sand removal operation that speared off from the present Watkins Street corner,’’ Mr Scanlon said.
‘‘There were once huge dunes around the Dixon Park area which were heavily exploited.’’
Mr Scanlon said the line appeared to have fallen out of use by 1900 and seemed completely gone following the Depression."
See the full story here
Marcus Westbury at TEDxMoretonBay
Makers + Places: Marcus Westbury at TEDxMoretonBay
Some great old pictures of Newcastle NSW here too.
Marcus Westbury is the founder of Renew Newcastle and Renew Australia. His background is a broadcaster, writer, media maker and festival director who is responsible for some of Australia's more innovative, unconventional and successful cultural projects and events. He has worked across a range of media as a writer, producer, director and presenter, covering fields as diverse as culture, art, urban planning, media, sport and politics. In 2008, with his own funds and energy, Marcus founded Renew Newcastle, a low budget, not for profit, DIY urban renewal scheme that has brokered access to more than 30 empty buildings for more than 70 creative enterprises, artists and cultural projects in his hometown of Newcastle, NSW. In this presentation Marcus reveals a surprising discovery about his innovative work.
Marcus Westbury is the founder of Renew Newcastle and Renew Australia. His background is a broadcaster, writer, media maker and festival director who is responsible for some of Australia's more innovative, unconventional and successful cultural projects and events. He has worked across a range of media as a writer, producer, director and presenter, covering fields as diverse as culture, art, urban planning, media, sport and politics. In 2008, with his own funds and energy, Marcus founded Renew Newcastle, a low budget, not for profit, DIY urban renewal scheme that has brokered access to more than 30 empty buildings for more than 70 creative enterprises, artists and cultural projects in his hometown of Newcastle, NSW. In this presentation Marcus reveals a surprising discovery about his innovative work.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Macquarie Collector Chest Returning To Newcastle
Macquarie collector's chest, ca. 1818 |
Newcastle Art Gallery is partnering with the State Library of NSW to present the most historically important artefacts about colonial era Newcastle ever put together. Featuring the rare and beautiful Macquarie Collector’s Chest this is the first time the chest has been seen in Newcastle since it was created here two hundred years ago.
The chest will be the centrepiece of an exhibition called Treasures of Newcastle from the Macquarie era which will be on display at the Gallery from March next year.
The chest is constructed of a combination of Australian rosewood found from the Hunter River to the Port Macquarie region of NSW, and red cedar found in NSW coastal regions from the Illawarra to the north. It opens to present a wonderful array of artefacts, specimens, painted panels, and compartments. The artwork on the chest depicts colonial Newcastle and the surrounding areas. It is thought to be the work of Joseph Lycett - a noted convict artist of the period. Lycett was patronised by both Macquarie and Captain James Wallis, Commandant of the secondary penal settlement at Newcastle, north of Sydney.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Newkulele - The Newcastle Ukulele Festival 2012 (Rocky Parody)
Well done!
Here's a great use of video for promotion.
Looks like a lot of fun too so check it out.
Newcastle's First Ukulele Festival
The pillars of the Newkulele Revolution...
The Ukulele + the nation's community uke groups + some of the world's best performers + our quest for excellence in ukulele learning + our beautiful beachside city = Newkulele!!!
Discover why Newcastle has the highest number of ukulele players per head population of any Australian city!
Discover why our city was voted Australia's most liveable city or why Lonely Planet nominated it as one of the most visitable cities in Australia!
Help Newcastle become Ukastle for a whole weekend.
View the official Website
Clip Proudly Made & Directed by Greg & Andy From Musos Corner (
Ukulele Rocky Theme by John McMullen
Hunter Vineyards and Mines
Two videos. One with some great scenes of the Hunter Valley.
The second showing what the mining in this valley looks like.
The second showing what the mining in this valley looks like.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Sydney Train To Newcastle In 13 Minutes
This may be the only high-speed rail journey we ever get!
Camera placed on driver's dashboard for an early morning run to Newcastle.
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
See Newcastle on Panoramio
Customs House - Newcastle NSW
City of Newcastle Administrative Centre
Merewether Baths - Newcastle NSW
House in Cooks Hill - Newcastle
See Newcastle for yourself using Panoramia!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Newcastle Write-up In The Australian
Great to see Newcastle getting some press.
"The chat is loud, the vibe is lively and the tills are ringing. This is Newcastle but not as we have known it.
Australia's seventh-largest and second-oldest city is no longer all steel mills and coalmines, clubs and pubs. In has reinvented itself to offer a winning mix of spectacular coastline and surf beaches, a cosmopolitan cafe scene, great restaurants, smart bars, boutique shopping precincts and a diverse arts scene."
Read the full article here The new Newcastle
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Bank Corner Where There Is No Bank Newcastle NSW
Newcomers to Newcastle are often puzzled to be given directions to places that seem to have no relationship to their name. I would guess it is at least 30 years since there was a bank at bank corner.
Bank Corner Hunter Street Newcastle NSW.
Opposite Doc's Pharmacy, diagonally across from Spotlight, and
National Park Street (Musos Corner)
Dairy Farmers Corner Hunter Street Newcastle NSW has not seen a milk delivery for many a year yet we still refer to it as this. You'll find this at the end of Hunter Street as a T intersection with Tudor Street.
Do you have any other favourite places like this?
Monday, July 02, 2012
Tourists & Visitors Need A Welcome
Newcastle NSW Australia - Train Station. "Where's The WiFi?" |
Tourism is a huge industry for the Newcastle and Hunter Region. And yet as we discovered at the recent Lunaticks event on Tourism and Technology, we have a long way to go.
Tourism isn't the only industry that needs good access to facilities to streamline communications. So what are some of the elements that need to improve and what's happening in other locations that we can see is becoming a trend we need to be tuned into?
The Need For Speed
Reliable high-speed connections across the whole region is vital. Many areas are still reliant on slow broadband that is too slow and too inconsistent in transmission capacity. All the mobile apps in the world are useless if there is poor reception and black spots. Bear in mind we are spitting distance to the coast even from the Hunter Valley, we're not in out the back of Beyond!
Wired For Sound ... And Internet
Hotels and accommodation needs to provide quality high speed internet that works and is able to be accessed by mobile devices like iPads and Tablets and these should be freely available as a part of the room rental. Tourists are visiting from a drive away, some from overseas and everyone wants to be able to plan their next adventures and keep in touch with their business and family while they are away. Charging extortionate rates and providing inadequate access is like renting a hotel room and telling customers to bring their own sleeping bag. Just not on. In a recent tourism forum in Bermuda one minister observed "It was very clear that destinations that do not embrace the latest trends in technology, which are here to stay, will get left behind”. We are competing not just with domestic tourist areas, we need to be competing at the level that meets the expectations of our visitors from around the world.
Content - What's Up Doc?
It's no use if we have great broadband facilities and apps if there is no good and cohesive information on all of our business, to be found online. This is the responsibility of every business in the region to get their best foot forward and their party face on and findable online. If I come to Newcastle and want to find something to do - I can't find it if you didn't put it there and tell me all that I can possibly know about your offer. I want to be able to do a casual search in general terms and know what's around in Maitland if I go to the art gallery, what else can I do while I am there? Where can I have lunch? Who has good coffee? Where can I get a full breakfast at 6am or supper if I get in late and am looking for something to eat at 10 PM. If I am planning a trip to the Vineyards, where can I stop on the way and have devonshire tea? Where can I drop off my dry cleaning and get it back overnight? If my car is suddenly making a weird noise, who can I get to look at it over the weekend? How the hell do I get to the airport without a car?
These are all fundamental basic, basic issues that don't even begin to be innovative. Let's see what something new looks like.
The Future of Media: Social Networking for Travel
How To Treat YourConference Speakers Like Rock Stars
Guess what? Speakers at conferences get paid a lot of money to turn up and talk. What do you want them to be saying about your town?
Here's what one presenter said about their experience.
Are you doing this for your presenters?
TweetingSeat: The Park Bench That Tweets
Tuesday May 1, 2012
is an interactive park bench designed to explore the potential for
connecting digital and physical communities. Each time someone takes
place on the bench, the TweetingSeat takes two photos and uploads these
to Twitter. One camera is focused on the bench, capturing sitting
people. A second camera is placed on the bench and takes a picture from
the point of view of the people who sit on it.
Read more:
Tours By Locals
I loved this idea."Take a private tour with a knowledgeable local person as your tour guide! Reliable guides carefully selected and approved by ToursByLocals." Read more here
Back Home
What are you doing to prepare your business to meet the expectations of customers?As a traveler, what do you need to make your stay as satisfactory as possible?
Here's Carol Duncan with the Lord Mayor visiting a tourist 'touch screen' that now greets our visitors (if they can find one), instead of a person. Classic radio.
"I took my friend to Newcastle Railway Station to find out more about where he met the coach, the timetable and how much it cost. With no information obvious to either of us, we used the touchscreen kiosk within the station booking office."
Listen to what happened.
Newcastle Tourist Information Less Than Informative
Lunaticks Take On Tourism In Hunter
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Lunaticks Take On Tourism
The topic this month for The Lunaticks Society event was Role and Impact of Technology in Tourism and Hospitality. This gave us a panel representing Newcastle Events, Hunter Wine Country and the developer of the Newcastle App, Andy Howard.
Lots of figures produced on visitors (most are repeat visitors, so domestic travelers) and perhaps surprisingly that day trippers spend the most money on their visits. Or not such a surprise if they are leaving with a car full of great Hunter wines!
In 2011, a total of 7.8 million visitors came to the Hunter and around 60 per cent of travelers now want to book online. As was made clear by the panel, visitors expect to be able to book online immediately and this is no longer an optional service for business to provide, it is just part of the cost of doing business.
In this way we see that local tourist and businesses offering hospitality are being driven by the marketplace to adapt. Unfortunately for many small operators this is still not so well understood and the technological literacy in small business is lacking.
As is often the case with panel discussions like this there is a focus on statutory bodies, government grants and other political issues that relate to funding constraints and reference back to old thinking and how we've done things in the past but with a new website function or a bit of technology thrown in. And still the distinction between Newcastle, other council areas and other established tourist areas keeps us from understanding this great place where we live, whether we are in the suburbs of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and the wine areas, is one region. That parochial thinking prevents us consolidating efforts to attract more visitors for longer stays into the whole region.
This is unfortunate as while it may be the reality of funding and scope of interest that these bodies deal with, it ignores the massive opportunity that we have to create engagements in new markets in new ways using personal networks and the potential for the whole community to be actively engaged and encouraged to be promoting the area. Hey. This is Our Region.
What's clear is that small business operators need to lift not just their literacy with the new technologies, they need to be competent with them. Websites need to be made useful, (most that I see are not). Content in the form of articles, blogs, images and resources to download, needs to be created for every single business. This acts to improve visitors to a site and social media allows for social sharing of this material. This is the new marketplace and these are the tools that need to be understood and well-utilized. Multiplied across the region and we have a huge net to catch tourists with money to spend.
Local areas need to have access to good broadband and we need to work together to help businesses and the communities share ideas, opportunities and open the door to more collaborative open culture. Perhaps it is also time to wake up to our position in the world. For someone in Europe, or China or the US the Hunter region is the backyard of Sydney. We should want people to know we are here, instead of them flying into Sydney and then out to Queensland and other well established destinations that are known by name to those overseas. And to educate our local market to the full range of options that are available across the region. Together we have some critical mass. There is potential to make this region the best resourced, most effective and digitally savvy area in the country. Someone will do it first. It can be us.
For small operators who are not up to speed with the digital world there is help but those of us who can help cannot do so without knowing who needs it and who wants it and who is prepared to invest in their own business to bring them up to minimum standard at least.
There is a lot of work to do.
You can find Andy Howard's blog on the discussion last night here
Tourism Trends We Need To Be Up On In The Hunter
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Newcastle Now + Then
The ABC Open photography challenge is to take photos from the past and merge them with the same view now. Check out the Newcastle entries for Series 2.
See the full collection on ABC Open
Photo by @drdrdr09 |
Photo by @drdrdr09 |
Photo by @drdrdr09 |
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Local Vintner Honoured as OAM - Wendy Lawson
Kudos to Wendy Lawson from Catherine Vale Wines at Broke NSW on her OAM on the Queen's Birthday long weekend. Full story here
Monday, June 11, 2012
Recipes on Pinterest
Looking for food ideas or recipes? Check out my Pinterest board for some inspiration. Lots of main courses, appetizers, canapes, and desserts. Also vegetarian and vegan recipes... and some great cocktails
When you're looking at a pin with a recipe, just click on the image to go through to the full instructions on how to make that dish. Click to go to my Foodie board
I've added a Recipes tab at the top of the page for easy access.
While you are there check out my other Pinterest boards. Great for a rainy day too. Something for everyone!
If you have any questions about Pinterest contact me and I'll be happy to help you find your way around.
Monday, June 04, 2012
Hello Google+ Local Goodbye Google Places
If you have been paying attention to what you see on search when you're looking for things on Google you will remember seeing the first section with the maps and coloured markers that show the local businesses first by location. This was a feature of Google Places and a business service that was free and available to help local businesses get found online. Well this is ending and from now on businesses will need to join Google+ Local which means you need to get that Google+ account and get cracking on building your social network.
Google Plus is free and as Google changes the way they filter results for search will become more and more vital to your business and to establish your bona fides online. Behind the scenes, there are ways that you can verify your content on your website and make it more valuable as a verified authorship of content that goes up on the web in your name. This is part of Google's ongoing war to get rid of spammy, low-value sites showing in results and encourage good quality information by genuine businesses and real people. That's good news ... and it will take some work.
Take a look at Google+ with a visit to my business page
Don't be left behind when it comes to presenting your best business face online. Get found - and show your expertise and authenticity. Call me if you need a hand.
Google Plus is free and as Google changes the way they filter results for search will become more and more vital to your business and to establish your bona fides online. Behind the scenes, there are ways that you can verify your content on your website and make it more valuable as a verified authorship of content that goes up on the web in your name. This is part of Google's ongoing war to get rid of spammy, low-value sites showing in results and encourage good quality information by genuine businesses and real people. That's good news ... and it will take some work.
Take a look at Google+ with a visit to my business page
Don't be left behind when it comes to presenting your best business face online. Get found - and show your expertise and authenticity. Call me if you need a hand.
Saturday, June 02, 2012
ABC Radio Newcastle Portrait Prize 2012
1233 Portrait Prize finalists
The wait is over for the nearly 300 budding photographers who entered
the inaugural 1233 Portrait Prize. The 10 finalists have been
See the full gallery of finalists
ABC 1233 Newcastle Portrait Competition
Finalist Stuart Marlin's portrait - Dan at Harry's Cafe |
Finalist Leah Morgan - Guy checking the surf at Newcastle Ocean Baths |
Finalist Sam West - Nan |
See the full gallery of finalists
ABC 1233 Newcastle Portrait Competition
Friday, May 18, 2012
Creatives In Newcastle Plan For Business
Props to Newcastle Council for hosting a workshop yesterday on Running Your Own Creative Business with Monica Davidson for AFTRS (Australian Film Television And Radio School). Well done.
The event was well attended and went for the full day and covered much good information that anyone considering running their own business would benefit from knowing but with a special focus on those in creative industries.
Back To Earth
At different times we have had topics at our Lunaticks events with many of our excellent young (and not so young) in attendance and there is often a tendency to speak in ways that demonstrates some believe that this creative issue puts people separate from other businesses.
In reality, every creative business needs the practical business savvy too and every conventional business can use some creativity in how they operate their business and especially .. and especially now... how they choose to promote the business and show off the great products and services they have to offer.
Now just imagine our businesses were all optimized to show their best face to the world - and deliver to an excellent standard. Then we'd really have something.
Lindy Asimus
0403 365 855
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Saturday, May 05, 2012
A New Way - Hudson Arc
New find thanks to Carol Duncan for the info.
From the album 'In An Ocean Of Sacrifice'.
Available for download here: album/in-an-ocean-of-sacrifice/ id511224386
Shot on location at the remains of The Jolly Roger Nite-club, Newcastle, October 2011.
Producer: Shane Burrell
Director/Editor: Holly Clayton
Director Of Photography: Gavin Banks
Camera Assistant: Riley Cope
Grip & Replay: Joel Colthorp
Copyright 2012.
Hudson Arc
From the album 'In An Ocean Of Sacrifice'.
Available for download here:
Shot on location at the remains of The Jolly Roger Nite-club, Newcastle, October 2011.
Producer: Shane Burrell
Director/Editor: Holly Clayton
Director Of Photography: Gavin Banks
Camera Assistant: Riley Cope
Grip & Replay: Joel Colthorp
Copyright 2012.
Hudson Arc
Friday, May 04, 2012
What To Do When It's Time To Move
Sometimes it's hard to know when it is time to move from our home. Maybe
it's too big now, or the garden is too much trouble... So I thought I'd ask
Tiron Manning from Shedden Real Estate what people need to know when
they are first starting to think about whether to downsize or just find a
home that is a more comfortable fit for them going into the future.
Here's Tiron's response.
it's too big now, or the garden is too much trouble... So I thought I'd ask
Tiron Manning from Shedden Real Estate what people need to know when
they are first starting to think about whether to downsize or just find a
home that is a more comfortable fit for them going into the future.
Here's Tiron's response.
Thursday, May 03, 2012
Newcastle City Guide
Fab article from The Design Files on a City Guide for Newcastle NSW
Find out more on things to do around Newcastle - antiques, a museum, nifty boutiques and fashion finds. Some wonderful photographs too. Great stuff! Read it a The Design Files
Find out more on things to do around Newcastle - antiques, a museum, nifty boutiques and fashion finds. Some wonderful photographs too. Great stuff! Read it a The Design Files
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Anzac Day 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Gordon Whitehead's #newcastlemorningphoto
A new tradition starting on social networks is sharing of photos via Twitter and Facebook. Gordon Whitehead is a great example and shares with us some pictures of the local area during his morning ritual photo shoot.
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Nobbys Head Newcastle NSW |
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Merewether Baths NSW |
Gordon's "Where Am I?" challenge.
Do you know where this photograph is taken?
And remember you can meet Gordon Whitehead
and all the gang from #Newcastlecoffee
Every Friday morning at 7.45am at Coffee on Crown.
Everybody is welcome to join us! - Lindy Asimus
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Yesteryear In Newcastle: 1940 Tram
The line went straight across Hunter Street. Here seen is a train standing in Burwood Street waiting for a tram to pass up Hunter Street in 1940. The same route had been used for over 100 years. Only this load of coal came from the Glebe Pit.
Same site in 1897
Find more on this
Friday, March 30, 2012
Hunter Businesses Using Social Media
While all the reports of gloom and doom tell us how bad the economy is we do well to remember how much better off we are here in Australia than so many parts of the world.
Focus on what you can do
Where we sometimes fall into the trap of focusing on what we can't do, we can overlook the things that are basic that we can be doing to promote our local businesses and social media is a great example of that.
The key to developing social marketing for any local area is to create a good network online of people who support each other and contribute to each others success. Sounds like the way local businesses have always done and that's the secret. While the technology is different, social media is just like any other way that we communicate, share, listen and tell stories just in a different place.
Social Marketing
Social marketing is much more than setting up a Facebook page but this is often the story that business owners get. This is not something to give your teenager to do, it should be integrated with your traditional marketing and support your other activities, your website and online presence generally, incorporate your PR and open doors to areas that have until now been inaccessible. Your blog is a great example of an easy step that you can take to start generating some interest online in what you have to offer. You need good pictures of your products (you need these anyway!) and posting them online can generate interest from people in your local area who have never heard of your business. Good content and good images are the way to get attention. Knowing where to get these seen is another part of the puzzle.
Part of that is building good links to other businesses that are related to our own and service the same kind of market. I know that working with local businesses to develop and support their network with reciprocal links to websites and comments on web platforms to promote your business and a link on your site to theirs is to your advantage in helping you get found in Google searches. Google works on the basis of authority sites connecting and is always favouring genuine business sites with connections in related business. Many things that Google does in adjusting the way they conduct search changes but this one element is constant. Good quality information is what they are seeking and reward.
Grow Sales From New Sources
You may be getting traffic that is converting from different sources and not directly from Google right now. That's probably because you have no strategy to develop those other streams of visitors to your business, Every other door you open for people to find your business has the potential to be the No1 money generator for your business. Make sure you have your hat in the ring,.
Not sure how to start? Contact me on 0403 365 855 and mention this blog for a special offer.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Luxe Photography Makes Your Product Look Good
Name: Tania Salitra
What brought you to photography as a career?
has always been a passion and so it was a natural progression from the
another creative field - Fashion. I decided that I wanted to learn as
much as I could about photography and so undertook the Diploma Of
Photography at Ultimo SIT
What do you like most about your work?
only do I photograph but also style the shots, so the challenges and
the creativity that entails/come into play are very exciting for me. The
variety is great – no two days are the same – photography has given me
some great experiences but also being able to help people achieve what
they want and need for their business is a real kick for me. The look on
clients' faces and feedback I get is a really wonderful feeling that I
have given them something that they can use to show their product or
themselves beautifully and better than they had imagined it. Being able
to meet and then exceed my clients expectations is very important.
Is there a typical kind of person or business with whom you work?
really. My clients vary as the need for good photography to market
business, whether it is a product or service, is so essential it is wide
reaching. I do love working with small business and sole traders, no
typical customer as such but similar situations - they all need great
images to help sell their products and services.
What role does photography play in promoting a business effectively? What about service businesses – can they use photographs to good effect too?
allows a person to see straight up, exactly what they are getting or
who they are engaging with. When it comes to service providers,
potential customers are interested in seeing who you are - Is the person
genuine? Are they going to be someone I can relate to? Will they
understand me? are all questions that can first up be answered with an
image of the person.
So for head shots, it is important the photographer
understands what it is that the person needs to convey – trust,
reliability, confidence, care – all can be shown far better with one
image than any words.
For products, including restaurants, customers
want to know, Is the product what I want it to be or was thinking it
was? What can I expect it to look like? What will I be getting? Will it
suit me? Am I going to like this? Great images help push the decision
making process along and encourage your potential clients to take the
next step/convert.
Are there common problems you see in how businesses sometimes use images?
two biggest and most obvious problems are using stock or the DIY
images. To me, the use of stock images makes a customer wonder what your
business actually looks like – and why you don’t want to show it for
what it really is. Yes, it can be an easy and cheap quick fix to needing
images on your marketing material, but it is a compromise on quality
and a compromise that your customers will see before you get a chance to
interact with them.
I often hear customers say ‘I’ve got a great
camera’ however, if you don’t know how to use it properly, what lighting
works best, what background to use, how to make the person being
photographed feel comfortable, and everything else that goes into making
great images, then it just doesn’t matter how good the camera is. DIY
photos of products, staff and premises just look cheap and nasty, it
detracts from the professionalism and polished service or product you
want to provide. It looks like a business ran out of budget or aren’t
that fussed about how their customers perceive them, not to mention how
the staff must feel with mug-shot style photos.
If selling a product,
then crisp clear images of that product and brand imaging are essential -
it is a chance to make a customer want to buy - make it work.
would you suggest business look for when showcasing their products?
sure you have a clear understanding of what your product is and how you
want it represented, who your target market is, is also very important
as you need to communicate on their level.
Be true to who you are and
your brand – don’t try to be like everyone else. Don’t be afraid to do
something different, that way you will be guaranteed of standing out
from the crowd.
are often looking to scrimp and not spend money when they don’t have to
– does it cost a lot for professional product photography?
what goes into the photography session, and the benefits a business
will gain, no it doesn’t. Marketing is always the first to suffer when
times are tight, but that is when it is most important and you need to
ramp it up. Great images are an integral part of a successful marketing
Great photos display really well online. What are some other places besides a
website where your clients have been able to use photographs with good
cards – this is a great place for images – not only does it make the
card more interesting and so makes people actually read it before
putting it away, but it also immediately connects the person with what
you do rather than just words.
Flyers, brochures, blogs, any form of
advertising, avatars for social media such as Twitter and FB, wall art
for offices and public spaces – the list for how you can make your
images work is endless.
Do you have any tips for businesses looking to hire a photographer for product images?
course, first step is to check out their website/portfolio, see if you
appreciate their style, then meet with them to see if they ‘get you and
your product’ and they are a person you would like working with. Make
sure they are listening to what you are saying and what you want first,
then they can offer suggestions to build on this or offer advice if they
think it could be done better.
Like any creative service – your
photographer needs to ‘get’ you and your business to best be able to
capture it.
What location do you service?
Valley, Newcastle, Central Coast, Sydney… Australia wide, Worldwide.. I
am very lucky to love what I do and am happy to travel pretty much
anywhere I am needed.
How can people reach you if they would like to discuss photographs for their products?
I would love to speak with you about how I can help your business and your image needs.
You can call me on 0409 249 609 or email me: tania at
You can find Tania’s work displayed at:
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Day Trips: Bushrangers Bar & Brasserie Largs NSW
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Bushrangers Bar & Brasserie Largs NSW |
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Quality Food Presented With Care |
Mine Hosts (owner/operator) Bruce
& Vicki Woods
Business: Description
Multi award winning restaurant & hotel centrally located in Hunter, specialising in fine Hunter Valley wines & fresh seasonal produce
What's the number one reason people like to come here?
To dine with friends & family in our restaurant & to catch up with the locals & what’s happening in town
What do you love about your work?
The daily challenge of getting the food right & making it work, whilst working towards our next Award and growing our business
Are customers from the local area or do you get travellers?
We have a strong regular & local clientele throughout the hotel, with a mix of locals & visitors for the restaurant
What are some of the unexpected ways that people use the hotel?
Central meeting place for a catch up ie: people from Muswellbrook will meet people from the Bay, ‘halfway house’
Business: Description
Multi award winning restaurant & hotel centrally located in Hunter, specialising in fine Hunter Valley wines & fresh seasonal produce
What's the number one reason people like to come here?
To dine with friends & family in our restaurant & to catch up with the locals & what’s happening in town
What do you love about your work?
The daily challenge of getting the food right & making it work, whilst working towards our next Award and growing our business
Are customers from the local area or do you get travellers?
We have a strong regular & local clientele throughout the hotel, with a mix of locals & visitors for the restaurant
What are some of the unexpected ways that people use the hotel?
Central meeting place for a catch up ie: people from Muswellbrook will meet people from the Bay, ‘halfway house’
Used for wakes, as so many come home for funerals and again
it’s easy to meet here
Are there special events through the year that people can find out about?
100th Anniversary Celebrations (weekend 27/28/29th April) Chef’s Tables, wine tasting’s cider/beer tastings. Annual Largs Village Ball, Brenda Clouten memorial Schlorship for the Young in Visual Arts, Community Consultation, usual holidays: Australia Day. Anzac Day, Easter, Mothers Day, Fathers day
How would you describe your food style?
Simple food – done well. Flavoursome, with a mix of Modern Australian & Pub Classsics
Do you cater for special occasions?
Weddings, Engagements, Wakes, graduations 21st, 80th’s & everything in between
Tell us about your wine list.
Cellar Selection has 55 wines listed, 52 of which are Hunter wineries. Our Museum Selection has 15 aged/special wines, 8 from Hunter, 5 from other regions in Australia, 2 French
You serve great coffee. Is that important to you?
Bruce is passionate about good coffee, & this is why we choose to use Lavazza. Good consistent brand, well known & readily available
Are children welcome in the restaurant?
Absolutely , we have a special children’s menu, highchairs, baby change table, outdoor kids playground
Are there special events through the year that people can find out about?
100th Anniversary Celebrations (weekend 27/28/29th April) Chef’s Tables, wine tasting’s cider/beer tastings. Annual Largs Village Ball, Brenda Clouten memorial Schlorship for the Young in Visual Arts, Community Consultation, usual holidays: Australia Day. Anzac Day, Easter, Mothers Day, Fathers day
How would you describe your food style?
Simple food – done well. Flavoursome, with a mix of Modern Australian & Pub Classsics
Do you cater for special occasions?
Weddings, Engagements, Wakes, graduations 21st, 80th’s & everything in between
Tell us about your wine list.
Cellar Selection has 55 wines listed, 52 of which are Hunter wineries. Our Museum Selection has 15 aged/special wines, 8 from Hunter, 5 from other regions in Australia, 2 French
You serve great coffee. Is that important to you?
Bruce is passionate about good coffee, & this is why we choose to use Lavazza. Good consistent brand, well known & readily available
Are children welcome in the restaurant?
Absolutely , we have a special children’s menu, highchairs, baby change table, outdoor kids playground
Is it necessary to make a booking?
We prefer/encourage bookings so we are able to have the right amount of staff to look after. We offer a ‘Reservations dinner voucher draw’ every month for those people that make a booking
What's the best thing about being in Largs?
Sense of community. It is a town of 4th & 5th generation families & everyone knows you. Sometimes that can be a little scary though!!
Social media is very popular now but many businesses have just not done anything to be findable online. Can people find you to connect on Facebook and Twitter?
Bushrangers Bar & Brasserie
46 High Street, Largs NSW 2320
Phone: 49301201 Fax: 49301051
Mobile: 0407301201
Monday, February 27, 2012
CEOs Sleeping Out For Homeless
CEO’s with Soul is a one night Sleepout at Tamburlaine Winery in the Hunter Valley on Friday 9th March 2012.
Name : Vicki de Carle
What's your connection to CEOs with Soul:
Through some friends I found out about Soul Café and their desperate need for funding for a new kitchen to continue their amazing work. We discussed ways to help them raise awareness and funds and the idea for an executive sleepout evolved. As I have been involved in a sleepout on the Central Coast we thought this was a good idea for the Newcastle Hunter region. I am helping to organise the night.
What's CEOs with Soul all about?
CEO’s with SOUL is an Executive Sleepout where business people get an opportunity to experience a little of what homeless people go through every night, sleeping rough. The experience for a business person who gets to go to a warm bed, shower and food can be quite life changing. We can truly never know the hardships faced by homeless people but this experience will provide some empathy and understanding. It is not a career choice to be homeless, people end up in this situation through a variety of problems. By raising a relatively small amount of money, the business people spread the word as they ask people to sponsor them, which raises awareness and funds.
Many of us walk by a homeless person and look the other way because we don’t understand, we find it confronting and generally we don’t quite know how to react. The best way to react is to support the organisations such as Soul Café who provide support way beyond the food they provide.
encourage business people to take up the challenge, raise some money
and step a little out of their comfort zone and sleep rough for one
night! It
will also be a great networking opportunity, lots of business people
and even a politician or 2 with no distractions for 12 hours.
How did it start?
How did it start?
We were throwing around some ideas about raising awareness and funds
and it is so obvious that if people can experience sleeping rough, they
will want to help as they will have first hand understanding of the
issues of not having a roof over your head.
What is the outcome that this event is intended to achieve?
What is the outcome that this event is intended to achieve?
Money and awareness!
Do we have any high profile people who will be there?
Do we have any high profile people who will be there?
Absolutely, we have Tim Owen MP, Steve Thompson, Regional Manager
Westpac along with some other high flyers of the district. We still have
room for lots more
What's the benefit to companies to get involved?
What's the benefit to companies to get involved?
The benefits to the companies is that their managers get to know their
district a little better and have a better understanding of philanthropy
from a hands on view. Many of us go about our daily life, embroiled in
day to day issues of our immediate business. Learning more about your
community can only benefit local businesses.
should be aware, and we will be pointing this out at CEO’s with SOUL,
that many of their workers are only 2 pay packets away from potential
homelessness. It can take only one major illness, one unexpected job
loss for a family to become homeless. The average Australian family does
not have financial reserves to survive for more than a few weeks with
no income.
can only be a good thing if our business leaders understand their
community, the stresses on their workers and are prepared to step a
little outside their comfort zone for the benefit of those less
How will the money raised be used?
The money will be used fitting out the new kitchens and to provide the
ongoing services that SOUL Café provides. Unfortunately it is never
enough for the need.
How do people register?
How do people register?
Convince their boss to register and sponsor him or her to sleepout.
Challenge them to step outside their comfort zone. You can also go to and give a one off donation, search for CEO’s with SOUL and follow the instructions. Or email me at
Women In Pubs Acknowledged
Newcastle and Hunter pubs often owe a debt of thanks to the women who play such a big role in their success.
AHA NSW will be celebrating the gals at a Girls' Picnic to be held at Customs House in Newcastle near the Foreshore and proceeds from the event will be donated to HMRI for research into Multiple Sclerosis.
The event will be held on Thursday March 8 11am - 3pm and there will be door prizes, raffles and guest speaker Prof. Maree Gleason.
For more details contact Debbie Potts on 0405 127 660 or email
AHA NSW will be celebrating the gals at a Girls' Picnic to be held at Customs House in Newcastle near the Foreshore and proceeds from the event will be donated to HMRI for research into Multiple Sclerosis.
The event will be held on Thursday March 8 11am - 3pm and there will be door prizes, raffles and guest speaker Prof. Maree Gleason.
For more details contact Debbie Potts on 0405 127 660 or email
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Shade To Order: Hunter Business Serves Global Customers
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Lyndon O'keefe - Sales Manager |
Shade To Order
What does the business do?
Weather proof Membrane Structures/ Shade Structures
Do you only do commercial shade solutions?
No.. We take on any project big or small, commercial or residential.
How did you come to be in this business?
Industry background and an active interest in fabric architecture.
How did you come to be in this business?
Industry background and an active interest in fabric architecture.
What do like most about your work?
What is the typical situation where your products are especially suited?
Colleges, School Playgrounds, Aquatic Centres, Walkways and Bowling Clubs, the sky is the limit.
What's the advantage of your products?
Increased usable area, additional revenue for the client.
What should a business look for when installing shade products? Is there a common mistake that people make when selecting the right product for their location?
People often mistake woven knitted shade cloth as the premium choice for a 'Shade sail'. Whilst these are extremely cheap, they offer minimal shade, no weatherproofing, and usually sag and flap around within a couple of years.
What do customers usually say after they have the product installed?
What's the most unusual place you've installed your product?
Do you have any tips for businesses looking to install something like this?
What locations do you service?
fantatstic that you are able to expand your work beyond the local
region into overseas projects too. What did you have to change to make
that possible?
director first started taking on overseas project in the 1980's.. I
believe 'attitude' is the biggest change that would have made it
possible… thinking outside the square, above and beyond what we work
with in our own backyard.
Shade To Order Pty Ltd
34 Metro Court
Ph: +61 2 4942 5793 (4 lines)
Mob: 0459 423 793
Fax: +61 2 4942 5322
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